Аналитическая справка по результатам внутреннего анализа коррупционных рисков в деятельности Центра за 2 полугодие 2018 года

Аналитическая справка по результатам внутреннего анализа коррупционных рисков в деятельности Центра за 2 полугодие 2018 года

Astana                                                                                                                    10 December 2018

On the basis of the order of October 19, 2016 of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs "On approval of the Model Rules for an internal analysis of corruption risks", the operations of Olympic Cycling Training Center Republican state budget-supported enterprise of the Sports and Physical Education Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first half of 2018 were subjected to an internal analysis of corruption risks.

The Work Group in charge of internal analysis of corruption risks has studied codes, laws, statutory acts, legal acts that help the enterprise to carry out its activities.

The analysis has not revealed discretionary authorities and norms that can be reasons for corruption offenses.

The following areas in the organizational and management activities of the Enterprise had been analyzed for anti-corruption for the second half of 2018:

1) Human Resource Management; the staff size for the first half of 2018 was only 237 units, where overhead staff (OS) - 30, operating staff - 207. The staff turnover was 14 unit. The main employee dismissal reasons are: as agreed by the parties and on the employee's part. 17 units were hired. No disciplinary penalties. One employee was accused of criminal offence under Article 189, part 3, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan..

2) No facts of conflicts of interest revealed.

3) The employment file of all employees of the Enterprise has certificates of clean criminal record obtained from the Information Service base of Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts at the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4) No facts of affiliation revealed during the public procurement procedure and holding posts  directly subordinate to the post held by close relatives (parents (parent), children, adoptive parents, adopted children, full-blood and half-blood sibships, grandparents, grandmothers, grandchildren) or spouse.

5) The Enterprise carries out a public procurement under the provisions of the  Public Procurement Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 4, 2015, Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 11, 2015 No. 648 “On approval of the Public Procurement Rules”. The Public Procurement of goods, works, services is made through the public procurement web portal electronically, and it allows to work without any contact with the supplier. Only electronic treaty making has allowed on the web portal complete and reliable information on the purchased goods, works, services and allowed the determination of their average purchase prices. Corruption risks have been reduced thanks to the introduction of electronic contracts and a number of other public procurement transparency and facilitation standards.

6) No negative materials during mass media monitoring revealed.

7) No appeals from individuals and legal entities on the corruption in the Enterprise revealed.

8) No acts of prosecutorial oversight revealed.

In view of the foregoing, the Work Group has made a conclusion on absence of corruption in the Enterprise.