Report on anti-corruption activities for 2018
In the framework of the Anti-Corruption Action Plan in 2018 of the Sports and Physical Education Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Olympic Cycling Training Center RSBSE informs about the following.
The Enterprise approved the Anti-Corruption Action Plan in 2018 by its order of January 8, 2018 No. 13/2.
The Enterprise approved the anti-corruption standard by its order of January 19, 2018 No. 18.
The Enterprise has conducted an internal analysis of corruption risks in 2017, and anti-corruption monitoring of the enterprise and an internal analysis of corruption risks for the first and second half of 2018. The official website has posted anti-corruption monitoring certificates and a corruption risk internal analysis certificate based on the results of the half-year and they have been presented to the Sports and Physical Education Committee.
The Enterprise published an article by S.Zh. Abdrakhmanov describing anti-corruption in physical education and sports in the newspaper «Қазақ спорты» No. 25 (5103) of 26.06.2018 headed «Жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес- әр азаматтың міндеті».
On June 26, 2018, the enterprise organized a briefing involving Ch.Ch.Kozhakhmetov, the first deputy chairman of the Birlіk branch of the Nur Otan party and O.Ye.Musagali, the Chief Specialist of the Corruption Prevention Office of the Department for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs in Astana.
At the same time, a republican seminar-meeting on “the formation of anti-corruption culture” was held by the enterprise in cooperation with Republican Training and Methodological and Analytical Center for Physical Education and Sports RSBSE.
The Enterprise has a box individuals and legal entities can put applications and appeals on officials’ unlawful actions wherein, then this box is opened regularly by members of the commission and drawn up in the minutes of the commission’s meeting. In the first half of 2018 no appeals to the illegal actions of officials have been made.
The Enterprise has a special section “anti-corruption activities” on its own Internet - resource where there is information on the Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Enterprise in 2018, anti-corruption standards, the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks and anti-corruption monitoring of the Enterprise’s activities for 2017 and for 1st and.2nd half of 2018.
The Enterprise has placed on the “Procurement” section of its Internet site a 2019 plan for public procurement, goods, works and services of the Enterprise, and there is a link to the Kazakhstan government procurement web portal for the access to all Enterprise's public procurement.
Also, the Enterprise in cooperation with the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs in Nur-Sultan has broadcasted on the street media facade of the Saryarka bicycle race track an anti-corruption video. This has been made for an anti-corruption consciousness in the society.