Press conference Kazakstan Barys


On February 4, 2013, in the conference hall of the Saryarka cycle track, a press conference of the tournament on Kazaksha kures Kazakstan Barysy was held, the press service of the cycle track Saryarka reported.

 In February, the third season of the popular republican tournament in Kazak Kқresі for the prizes of Nursultan Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan barysy" starts in Kazakhstan. The timing of the championship will be: if before the final of the competition was held in August or September, the decisive fights of the third draw will be held on the eve of the Day of the capital - June 30th.

According to the organizers, the scale and format of the competitions will change: the work on the selection of talented athletes will be intensified in the very early stages of the tournament. Fights will begin in February at the level of villages and villages, in March in districts and cities, in April - in the regions. The rules will remain the same: last year's champion BeybutYstybay will be allowed to the final, and Ulan Ryskul (champion - 2011) will have to break through the regional sieve.

“Today we are opening the third season of the tournament, the third in a row,” said SerikTukeev, President of the World Federation of National Struggles. “The number of supporting sponsor competitions has increased even more since this year.

Note that those who wish to participate in the tournament can contact the Office of Sports in the field.

Press Service of the Cycling Bicycle
