Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Combating Corruption in the State Enterprise "Center for Olympic Training in Cycling" for the 1st half of 2020
In the RSE "Center for Olympic training in cycling" (hereinafter - the Enterprise) by order of the director on January 22, 2019 No. 23, an action plan for combating corruption for 2019-2020 (hereinafter - the Plan) was approved and posted on the Internet resource of the Enterprise.
The enterprise has a box for accepting applications and appeals from individuals and legal entities for illegal actions of officials, which is opened by members of the commission on a regular basis and drawn up by the minutes of the meeting of the commission. There were no complaints about illegal actions of officials in the first half of 2020.
The personnel department, when preparing orders for employment, monitors the provision by persons applying for a position related to the performance of managerial functions of certificates on the presence or absence of information about the commission of a corruption crime, and also monitors whether newly hired employees have a criminal record of corruption offenses. compliance with qualification requirements.
At the same time, the HR department on an ongoing basis (quarterly) monitors and controls the timing of consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Individuals and Legal Entities.
In order to prevent and prevent corruption at the Enterprise, on March 2, 2020, a round table was held with the participation of deputy directors and heads of structural divisions of the Enterprise on the topic "Preventing and combating corruption in the field of public procurement."
On February 25, 2020, employees of the Enterprise took part in a seminar on the topic "Formation of anti-corruption culture", which was organized by the Committee for Sports and Physical Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Also on May 21, 2020, the director and his deputies, the chief accountant and employees of the public procurement department took part in an online seminar on anti-corruption issues with the participation of representatives of anti-corruption agencies.
In the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Plan, as well as within the framework of information and propaganda measures to combat corruption in the media, namely in the information portal, and in the newspaper "Kazakh sports" articles were published.
On the Internet resource of the Enterprise in the section "procurement" there is a plan of public procurement, goods, works and services of the Enterprise for 2020, there is also a link to the web portal of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides access to all public procurement carried out by the Enterprise.
In order to prevent corruption, the Company has an anti-corruption information corner, which is prominently displayed and constantly updated, as well as a video on anti-corruption topics is broadcast on the street media facade.