National Cycling centre, Manchester, United Kingdom


The National centre for Cycling — indoor cycle track, valprato made of wood (Siberian larch). 

Year built 1994, replacement canvas 2007 Length 250 m, width 7m. 

More than 15 world records in the masters category were set at the cycle track.

The most important events of the track:

2014 - world championship in masters category 

2013-world Cup Stage 

2013 - world championship in masters category 

2012 - world championship in masters category 

2011 - world championship in masters category 

2011-world Cup Stage 2009-world Cup Stage 

2008-world Cup Stage 

2008-elite world Cup 

2007-world Cup Stage 

2005-world Cup Stage 

2000-elite world Cup 

Currently regularly held national Championships of great Britain, world Cup stages, race "Revolution", world and European Championships in the category of masters, etc.
